Trigger Point Therapy & Dry Needling
Trigger point therapy and dry needling refer to the treatment of muscular and myofascial trigger points using acupuncture needles, acupressure, deep tissue massage or laser therapy. Trigger points are irritable and hypersensitive areas which can cause the affected area to shorten, tighten, spasm and become weakened. Causes of trigger points include some of the following:
Pronation or “flat feet”
Supination or “high-arched feet”
Biomechanical abnormality
Overuse of muscles
Over stretching of muscles
Pronation or “flat feet”
Supination or “high-arched feet”
Biomechanical abnormality
Overuse of muscles
Over stretching of muscles
At Libby Jones Podiatry, trigger point therapy and dry needling can be used with other treatments as a form of treatment. Contact us for more information.